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[IEP] Inlingua Emerging Writers Challenge @ Tianchang High School

The inlingua School of Languages Singapore jointly organised a writing contest (the "inlingua Emerging Writers Challenge") with C Win in May 2021.

10 students from the Tianchang High School International Department participated in the Contest.

Like the virtual speech contest, this event also helped the students improve their English competencies and gain exposure to such international events.

The award ceremony was held on 25th May, and the winners and participants were presented with certificates and cash prizes.

4月底,新加坡华盛教育中心与新加坡英林阁语言学校(Inlingua School of Languages)共同举办Inlingua iSpeak Virtual Speech Contest(英林阁iSpeak线上演讲比赛),此次演讲比赛面向天长中学高一年级国际部,由于学生参赛积极性比较高,在国际班外教SOFIA的指导下,通过层层选拔,王蕊蕊,戴书琴,单家铖,魏莱,邹莫涵,张圆圆,吕如涛,吴戎瑾,吴诗雨,徐小航10名同学脱颖而出,最终,经过同学们的认真准备都取得了良好的成绩。新加坡华盛教育中心外教SOFIA为所有同学颁发了证书。


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