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[IEP] 2023 October Inlingua iSpeak Virtual Speech Contest and Emerging Writers Challenge Award Ceremony @ Lu'An No. 1 High School

The awarding ceremony for the Year 1 Inlingua iSpeak Virtual Speech Contest and the Year 2 Emerging Writers Challenge was held with great enthusiasm at Lu’An No. 1 High School's International Building, Hall 1. The event celebrated the remarkable achievements of students in both competitions, recognizing their talent and dedication.

The event was marked by an atmosphere of celebration and encouragement, fostering a spirit of academic excellence, and showcasing the diverse talents of the students at Lu’An No. 1 High School.

This ceremony serves as a testament to the International Department's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals and fostering a supportive environment that encourages academic and creative growth among its students.

2023年12月5日中午12:15至13点,六安一中国际部在国际书院一楼多功能教室分别举行了高一英林阁iSpeak线上演讲比赛和高二Emerging Writers Challenge写作比赛颁奖仪式。本次比赛是由新加坡华盛教育中心联合英林阁语言学校共同举办,为了激发国际班全体学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,培养学生的国际视野,提升国际交流能力,比赛的对象是高一、二年级国际班学生,我校国际部共57名学生参加。



高二Emerging Writers Challenge写作比赛共有32名学生参与,外教Lily为获得二,三等奖4名学生颁发荣誉证书及现金奖励。


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