The Lu’An No.1 High School International Department organized a CPR training for the Year 2 students for the second year at the Li Xue Building hall on March 14, 2022, from 14:20 to 17:00. Deputy Chief Nurses Han Yu, Chen Lingzhi, Huang Yong, Shao Dandan and Deputy Chief Physician Hu Yue of the Lu'An People's Hospital were again invited to give the training.

Like the previous year, this session was divided into the theoretical and practical components. Hu Yue (Deputy Chief Physician of the hospital), introduced and explained the causes of cardiac arrest, and ways of identifying them. The CPR procedures were also explained in a simple manner. Following the lecture, Deputy Chief nurses Han Yu, Chen Lingzhi, Huang Yong and Shao Dandan went through the technical and operational using two human models, while demonstrating the CPR techniques. After the demonstrations, all students were invited to practice the CPR techniques.

Through this course, students not only learned the knowledge of CPR, mastered the primary first aid skills, but also learned the basic rescue methods, and laid a foundation for the correct implementation of CPR for the first aid patients.
