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  • CWin

[Teacher Training] 2005 Teacher Training @ Chuzhou City

With the goal of improving the English language teaching standards in Chuzhou City, the Municipal Education Bureau collaborated with Dennis Austin Education Centre (the current English Department of C Win Singapore) to conduct the 4th Municipal Level English Teacher Training Course for more than 30 local English teachers from 11th July to 5th August 2005. The course focused on the Communicative Approaches to language teaching, and was conducted by trainers from Singapore.

The opening ceremony was held on the 11th of July 2005, with Mdm Yap Chik Ping (C Win Managing Director), Municipal Education Bureau Chief Mr. Zhang Chunlin, Deputy-chief Mr. Pan Houjiang, and Principal Mr. Lu Yonggang of the Chuzhou Vocational School attending the ceremony.

Mr. Zhang gave the opening speech, and urged the trainees to make full use of the opportunity to learn as much as possible during the course, with the aim of improving the English standards of Chuzhou city.

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