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  • CWin

[IEP] Short Courses @ Lu'An No. 1 High School

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

In order to help develop our students to become independent learners, further familiarise themselves with the concept of online/distance learning, and upgrading their skills and knowledge, CWin started introducing a series of short courses in early 2021.

As much as the course content is important, we also wanted our students to get used to the idea of taking short courses to achieve their individual learning needs, and obtaining micro-credentials to boost their academic advantage.

As such, CWin collaborated with the Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA) to offer the "S.M.A.R.T Goal-Setting" course for the IEP students in Lu'An Number 1 High School from May-June 2021.

The Certificates of Participation were presented to the participants on 16th June 2021.

6月16日晚7:00,六安一中国际部在砺学楼八楼大活动教室举行了SHORT COURSE-“S.M.A.R.T GOAL-SETTING”《使用SMART原则制定目标》短期课程结业仪式,国际部外教JEAN老师为各位同学颁发了结业证书。

此次SHORT COURSE-“S.M.A.R.T GOAL-SETTING”是由新加坡华盛教育中心与新加坡培训与发展协会(STADA)共同举办,面向六安一中国际部高一年级,共41位同学参加。


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