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[IEP] 2015 Speech Contest @ Lu‘An No.1 High School

This annual event is to encourage the enthusiasm of the students to learn and improve their English. On the afternoon of April 23, 2015, in the lecture hall of Lu'An No.1 High School, the IEP Department held the English speech contest. The topics this year are: "Conservation and recycling: Is it important?", ”Smoking in Public Places”, ”Drunk Driving”, ”World Hunger”、and ”Global Warming”.

Principal Xia, along with Vice Principals Jiang Ping and Yu Rui, all the form teachers and Chinese English teachers from Year one I.E.P. classes, and more than 250 I.E.P. students attended the event, of which there were 8 contestants. We are also honored to have had 2 guests from the Southern University of Malaysia.

Principal Xia opened the contest with a heartwarming speech, expressing his wishes that the students improve their English learning interests, cultivate their language senses, and raise their abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The 8 contestants did not only write and memorize their own speeches, but they have also made full use of multi media, real objects and audience participation during their presentations.

In between the contestants, we had performances from all classes. These included a Speech Choir, Violin, Ba Wu, Er Hu, and talented solo vocals from two boys and a girl, and a trio of girls and a dance group. Before the contest proper, there were three acts, such as Accordion and Saxophone playing, and a traditional Chinese dance, all performed by students from class three.

Dr. Wang Shih Ching, the Managing Director of Cwin Corp., announced the winners, starting with the joint 4th place for five contestants. First place was won by Wei Junji from class 4. Trophies and certificates were awarded to them.

The event was brought to a “Grande Finale” by all Year 1 I.E.P. students singing

"Tomorrow will be better & We are the world" in both Chinese and English.

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