On the afternoon of May 10th, Mr. Lucas Zimmerman, the International Department Director of Rangsit University, Thailand, together with CWin Director Dr. Wang Shih Ching, Operations Manager (China) Mr. Tao Jinqiu, Academic Manager Dr. Gene Rhoton and Marketing Manager Mr. Zhong Hongwei visited Lu'An No.1 High School.

They were welcomed by the school’s vice principals Mr. Jiang Ping and Mr. Yin Xiaocheng. Mr. Zimmerman introduced the international programs of Rangsit University while Vice Principals Jiang and Yin offered some information about Lu’An No. 1 High School.

The two vice principals and Mr. Zimmerman hope to have a successful cooperation in the future to promote educational and cultural exchanges. At the end of the meeting, the two vice principals presented a gift to showcase the customs and traditions of China.

Mr. Zimmerman also met the Year 2 IEP students in the school hall. He introduced to them the International Programs of Rangsit University, through Power Point Presentation and short video clips. After his presentation, the students asked questions related to living and studying in Thailand. Mr. Zimmerman offered gifts to those students who asked questions.
It was a fruitful interaction between Rangsit University and Lu’An No. 1 High School.