On 13th May 2009, after the trip to Tianchang city, Professor David Zhou, principal of the Singapore Asia School of Business, visited our IEP partner school in Hefei - the Affiliated High School of the Hefei University of Technology.

Following an introduction by CWin representatives, Professor Zhou had a long discussion with the school representatives vice principals Mr Liu Yi Cheng and Mr Chen Ming You, the head of the academic research department Mr Harry Zeng, the Party Secretary Mdm Chen Le Dong and the head of operations Mr Li Wei.

The meeting covered the differences in the school system between Singapore and China, the IEP, and for the most part - the Singapore's Government Human Resource policy (as of 2005).

Professor Zhou mentioned that as Singapore is trying to grow its population by more than 30% (from the current estimate of 4.8 million to 6.5 million by the year 2027), this has made it easier for Chinese students to not only pursue their tertiary education in Singapore - they could also expect more employment opportunities there. Getting a permanent residence status is readily achievable if the graduates are settled down in their jobs after one year. Given that the majority of Singaporeans are of the Chinese race, it would be easier for the undergraduates to adapt to the culture and lifestyle in Singapore.
It was a regret that the students missed the opportunity to meet Professor Zhou as the meeting went late into the evening. However, Professor Zhou expressed his hope to share with the students, his personal experiences and the importance of selecting an appropriate tertiary education, on his next trip.